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Frequently asked Questions

1How can I book an appointment at Artemis Curepipe Hospital?
There are several ways to book an appointment at Artemis Curepipe Hospital. Apart from visiting the clinic and scheduling an appointment with the desired specialist, you can also contact our Customer Care by phone: (+230) 651 5050.
2Can I contact doctors 24/7?
To communicate with a doctor, it is necessary to book an appointment in advance. Doctors are available only during predetermined time slots. You can inquire about the available timings and book an appointment by contacting our Customer Care.
3Do I need to fast before a test?
For certain tests, it is recommended to abstain from consuming any food or beverages, except water, for at least 12 hours prior to sample collection. However, fasting requirements may vary depending on the test. You can learn more about your specific test and any prerequisites by contacting our Customer Care.
4Does Artemis Curepipe Hospital arrange health campaigns?
Yes, Artemis Curepipe Hospital plans to conduct health campaigns. However, as a recently established institution, campaigns have not been conducted yet.
5Are services available at Artemis Curepipe Hospital on Sundays?
Artemis Curepipe Hospital offers services throughout the entire week, including Sundays. You can book an appointment and visit the clinic on Sundays as well.
6Can I visit Artemis Curepipe Hospital for immediate treatment?
In case of emergencies, the specialists at Artemis Curepipe Hospital are always available to provide immediate medical assistance to patients in need.
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